Thursday, January 12, 2012

Homade M-80 or mini bomb and How to make it

a homade m80 or whatever u want to call in. and heres how to make it. pill bottle bomb. homade firework HOW TO MAKE IT Material: 1.pill bottle(the orange ones with the screw on top, u ussually get them with perscriptions) 2.sparkelers 3.some fuse 4.electrical tape 5.tissues 6.a knife Step One: poke a hole in the middle of the pill bottles lid. Step Two: take the sparkeler powder off the stick and grind it up till its a smooth powder and put it in the bottem of the pill bottle. (put about 3-5 sparkelers worth of powder) Step Three: put the fuse in the powder in the bottem so it sticks up high enough to go through the lid and then put tissues in the bottle to make the powder a little more compact and so it lights easier.(ur fuse should be in the powder and coming out the top to the side of the tissues. Step Four: put the lid on and stick the fuse through the hole when u put it on. then put lots of electrical tape where the lid meets the bottle so the bottle blows up and not shoots the lid off cause that wouldnt be very loud. Step Five: it should be done with the fuse sticking out and ready to light. with tape around the lid. but remember not to put electrical tape on the fuse or else it wont light. Now go make one and BLOW IT UP!

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